Thursday, September 12, 2013

FlowLogic 5 and Phidgets Plug and Play in Education

Learning Control Technology made easy using Flowlogic 5. 
Sample application to Read an Input Switch from a PHIDGETS Controller connected to the PC USB Port and turn on  a LED which is also connected to the controller for 10 times and exit.

FlowLogic 5 and Phidgets Plug and Play in Education

Learning Control Technology made easy using FlowLogic 5.
Sample application to interface PHIDGETS  IO Board and PHIDGETS RFID Reader to control a virtual Toll Gate.

FlowLogic 5 and Phidgets Plug and Play in Education

Sample FlowLogic 5 Program controlling a Virtual Model- Traffic Light Pole  and a External LED's via Phidgets Io Board.which is connected to the PC USb port

Saturday, August 24, 2013

The outcome of cognitive development is THINKING. The intelligent mind creates from experience "generic coding systems that permit one to go beyond the data to new and possibly fruitful predictions" 
The role of the teacher should not be to teach information by routine learning, but instead to facilitate the learning process. This means that a good teacher will design lessonsthat help students discover the relationship between bits of information. To do this a teacher must give students the information they need, but without organizing for them. The use of the spiral curriculum can aid the process of discovery learning.

Jerome Bruner - is one of the best-known and influential psychologists of the twentieth century, has made a profound contribution to our appreciation of the process of education and to the development of curriculum theory.

Bruner's constructivist theory (1966) suggests it is effective when faced with new material, learning it should follow a progression from enactive to iconic to symbolic representation.
·         Enactive representation (action-based) – Brain Training
·         Iconic representation (image-based) – Logic Reasoning
·         Symbolic representation (language-based) – Coding (Programming)

Every student in every school should have the opportunity to learn to code,
It teaches
THINKING.... Steve Jobs

Proudly Malaysian for the World



Teaching thinking and creativity

A Revolutionary Software Package with Visual Coding medium using symbolic blocks (like flowcharts) for Creating, Testing, Modifying, Measuring, Controlling and Animating, to produce logical results (Outputs) based on Designed Lesson. It compliments Discovery Learning.

FlowLogic 5 in Education

Programs are created using symbolic blocks (like flowcharts) by click & drop onto the screen and drawing routes between them. The program then can be executed. Defending on the program created, FlowLogic 5 will process it and provide the necessary output on screen and/or external devices as specified by user.

Students from Primary to University will learn to code to create logical sequences visually with real programming language syntax to illustrate the designed lessons.

Learn to Code, Create a Story Board and animate it with Images, Sound, Music and Video...

Sample Lesson - Course ware interpreting Electronic Circuit graphically with user interaction

Sample Lesson - a Man walking, Knocking, introducing himself and house owner responding...

Sample Lesson
Animating electrical flow inside a wire and illuminating the light bulbwhen ON button clicked and remove the illumination when OFF button clicked

Learn to Code, Interface Data acquisition Board via USB port and connect various INPUT/OUTPUT devices such as motors, sensors. And develop sequences to control and manipulate these devices which can be linked to many areas of a curriculum.

Sample Lesson
Completed Project -Constructing and Controlling Model Traffic Light pole with LED....

Learn to Code, Learn to Code, Reading and Processing RFID Signal/Data Via USB Port...
 Sample lesson
Interfacing and Controlling Virtual Model (Toll Gate) - Tough n GO Simulation.

Learn to Code, Controlling Robotics Arm Via USB Port...

Virtual Project – Ideal for Logic Reasoning and Thinking

FlowLogic 5 also comes with numerous Pre-build Virtual Projects. Virtual Projects are active on-screen simulations of control systems which contain a range of output devices and sensors. User can build program by building Logic Sequences using FlowLogic 5 to control virtual output devices and make them respond to the virtual sensors and/or external input devices. When they run their program, the Virtual System is activated, so that clicking the on-screen sensors or switches creates an animated response.

Learn to Code - Learning Control Technology made easy using FlowLogic 5.
Sample application to interface PHIDGETS  IO controller and PHIDGETS RFID Reader to control a virtual Toll Gate.

Learn To Code- Learning Control Technology made easy using Flowlogic 5. 
Sample application to Read an Input Switch from a PHIDGETS Controller connected to the PC USB Port and turn on  a LED which is also connected to the controller for 10 times and exit.